Tuna with asparagus, orange and almonds

2 x 160g cans Rio Mare Tuna in Olive Oil
2 eggs
800g asparagus
1 orange
1 small red onion
40g extra virgin olive oil
20g shelled almonds
salt and pepper to taste
Stampa Ricetta

1. Clean the asparagus and remove the woody bottoms. Cook in a pot of salted boiling water for about 20 minutes. Hard boil the eggs in a small pot of water, calculating eight minutes from the time that the water starts to boil.
2. Remove a few strips of zest from the orange, making sure to eliminate the pith. Supreme the oranges by removing their outer membrane and divide into pieces.
3. Roughly chop the almonds, peel the hard boiled eggs and cut into small pieces. Finely slice the onion.
4. Cut the asparagus in half lengthwise and arrange on four individual plates. Top with the drained, flaked tuna, add the orange, the hard boiled eggs and the sliced onions. Garnish with the almonds and the zest and dress with oil and a generous sprinkling of black pepper.